Checklist Masterplan

Ready to start making an extra $250 - $600 Per Month?.....

checklists are the internets Worst kept secret.....

But almost nobody  uses them the way I do for profit!


"Checklist masterplan!"

This is the EXACT system that's repeatedly saved my butt...and stopped me flushing My Hard Earned cash straight down the Plug-Hole!

What you're about to get your hands on, is so critical to my business I always keep it easily accessible on my desktop at ALL TIMES.

I refer to it every time the 'chips are down' and remind myself everything I need to do to inject cash into my business.

This has come to the rescue so many times, for example when my income takes a hit or projects have fallen flat on their face, I pull this masterplan out.

Or even when Ads I've written stop working...I pull this out.

When landing pages are failing...I pull this out.

When a household bill or emergency arises in my life...I pull this out.

And so will you.

No More guesswork!

You'll be able to whip out this guide out and easily follow everything I've laid out inside it whenever you need to.

Here Are Just Some Of My Secrets You'll Discover (and be reminded of daily) Each Time You Pull Out My Checklist Masterplan...

The 3 critical but easy to create pages that makes the whole system work (This is literally a 3 page machine).
The steps to take payment from customers .. this doesn't cost a penny by the way.
The best kind of checklists that sell the best (most flat out don't work, but these work like gangbusters!)
How to find topics that make the most cash (on DEMAND).
How To set-up your money making machine in less than 30 minutes.
The one thing I add to maximize profits (takes literally 10 minutes but the results will blow you away)
Setting up your order maximization mechanism for autopilot sales. (Most people are too lazy to do this - and they're leaving wads of cash on the table!)
What I recommend you use to accept payments. This is the easiest thing in the world to set up with bare minimum technical skills. (Heck, if you can send an email you can set one of these bad boys up)
How to follow up with customers for even more sales. What to say, what to send and when to send it. (Most people screw this up)
FAST ACTION BONUS: I'm even tossing in an extra document showing you a few simple yet proven ways to get traffic to your checklists...100% FREE.

"No-FLUFF, NO filler"

In fact, You'll LOVE This So Much You'll Want To Print The Whole Thing Off!

Listen, when you compare the benefit of having this $250 - $600 per month income generating Masterplan against the few measly bucks it'll cost you to get your hands on it, it should be a no brainer decision for you.

When you see inside my Checklist Masterplan and USE it, you'll discover ways you can bring in a nice side income for yourself that most don't even consider!

You've probably wasted $50 bucks in the past on 300 page e-books that weren't worth a damn and had less than 20 pages of actionable content inside I right?

I know I'm right because I've been there myself, over and over.

And that's why this Masterplan is a TESTED and PROVEN blueprint for bringing in an extra couple of hundred bucks a month on the side (at a MINIMUM).

It's 2024, I understand that time is of the essence in these desperate times we live in, so it's a deliberately FAST read so that you can start bringing in cash and building your business ASAP!

Want a slice of the action?...

The entire thing is Yours today for a 'no brainer':

A step-by-step immediately actionable money making system in document format.

**Instantly Downloadable After Purchase!**

Strictly LIMITED copies will be sold.

If the purchase button above works, it's still available.

There's really nothing else to say other than this is an incredibly simple system that can easily put anywhere between $250 - $600 per month in your pocket if you put it to work.

*AND* if you truly feel there is absolutely NOTHING in this document that you didn't know already....

I'll gladly give you 100% of your money back!


**Instantly Downloadable After Purchase!**

Strictly LIMITED copies will be sold.

If the purchase button above works, it's still available.

Hello from Ben Fletcher!

My name is Ben Fletcher, I’ve had a full time business online since 2012. I have ADHD and I’m also profoundly deaf. 

Besides racing Motocross & My dog, my passion and energy goes into helping newbie's start their own Internet businesses online from scratch.

Comments about my products...

I came across Ben on Facebook and LOVED his personality.

I went on to buy his products which I LOVED and we've formed a friendship that I now cherish.

When it comes to online business in general, Ben, knows his stuff and he's quickly become a trusted source.

I would recommend him, his content, and products to even my carefully guarded clients and customers!

Liz Tomey

I've been highly satisfied with all digital training courses I've purchased from Ben. Ben's training shows he has a lot of experience and is passionate about what he teaches.

He provides actionable step by step training essentially anyone can follow.

You'll be pleased.

Nick Anderton

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